Occupational Therapy for the elderly and seniors

ABLE Home Therapy provides Occupational Therapy services for the elderly, seniors and veterans. We provide in-home Occupational Therapy  throughout Brisbane and surrounds, ABLE’s Occupational Therapists, help elderly family members and senior citizens how to protect and take care of joints and muscle and to conserve energy. Maintain independence and guide you to the best modifications or equipment for your needs. Your Occupational therapist can also organise a qualified builder to undertake home modifications and installation of rails and ramps if recommended.

What can an OT do for seniors?

  • Your Occupational Therapist can advise on the most suitable equipment to maximise your independence and reduce discomfort experienced.  Occupational Therapy can assist in evaluating the need and application for items such as shower chairs, grab rails Major home bathroom modifications,Wheelchairs, scooters, stair lifts, recliner chairs.
  • Access government funding on your behalf for equipment such as manual and electric wheelchairs and walkers. ABLE Therapy is registered with Medical Aids Subsidy Scheme “MASS“ to provide equipment to seniors and disabled people.
  • Jump the Home Assist waiting list. Often the wait for minor home modifications is delayed because Home Assist always requires an Occupational Therapists report prior to any works being done. The wait for the public OT service is sometimes very long and families who required modifications done quickly have found seeing an OT privately worthwhile.
  • Occupational Therapists and Physiotherapy for dementia
    We understand that having a family member suffer from Dementia can be a challenging experience. Luckily there is help available. Our professional and caring Occupational Therapists are experienced with dementia patients and can recommend a range of different care options with a focus on comfort and living in as pain-free an environment as possible. We will also assist and help caregivers on how to best manage patients or family members with dementia and can assist with accessing public funding to access respite, equipment and help carers /family look after their family member.
  •  Residential Facilities, Nursing homes, NGO care organisations.
    We can provide care recommendations to care organisations regarding best equipment, ( wheelchairs, electric beds, pressure mattresses, walkers, hoists ) manual handling, mobility recommendations,  management of swelling, pressure and pressure garment recommendations.
  • Advise for home owners. Thinking of buying or renovating? Ask an OT what features are worthwhile. Don’t rely on your builder for advice.

Able Therapy - Home Modifications & Occupational Therapy

Call 07 to enquire or book your home assessment now!

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